+ All participants or parent/guardian are required to agree to the Liability Waiver - this includes free trial classes and new enrollments participating in the program. By completing this registration you agree to the Liability Waiver.
+ The participant and parent/guardian understand that participating in any organized sport carries certain risks of injury. I agree not to hold the Instructor or Lone Star Self Defense responsible or liable in the unlikely case of injury
+ Participant further agrees to strictly obey Instructors and observe safety rules. Any participant that is deemed a hazard to the class based on the Instructors criteria will be set out from participation until the participant is accepting of the safety rules. This is done to keep all participants in the class engaged, learning, and safe and is not a form of punishment.
+ We will come to your child’s Day Care Center 4 times a month if there are 5 weeks in a month the last class of the month will not be required to be made up. ie: There are 5 Mondays in a month the 5th Monday will not have class unless notification is provided by Lone Star Self Defense.
+ No refunds or prorates will be given for your child being absent or for classes that fall on National or School Holidays/Closings.
+ Daycare Center memberships are monthly with classes and tuition starting on the 1st. The first month's tuition is due on the date your child is registered. If you register after the 3rd week of the month your child will begin the program the following month.
+ The registration fee is due at the time of registration and is required for all new students to enroll in the program - this does include a new uniform.
+ If you withdraw your student from the program there is a six month grace period where you will not be required to pay the registration fee - please send an email letting us know that you would like to re-enroll your student in our program. If you do not send an email and enroll online you will be required to pay the registration fee and this WILL NOT be refunded.
+ MEMBERSHIPS AUTOMATICALLY RENEW | If you need to withdraw from the program, two weeks' notice to Lone Star Self Defense directly is required by either email or direct mail. Notice of withdrawal left at your child’s center/school will not be accepted. We do not know if your student is out for extended circumstances - it is the parent/guardian responsibility to notify Lone Star Self Defense if you wish to remove a student.
+ DISCOUNTS | There is a discount provided for Daycare Center teachers and families with multiple students. You may be asked to provide your proof of teacher status. For the multiple family member discount to apply 2 or more students must be enrolled at the same time for the discount to apply. If students are registered under the incorrect membership option Lone Star Self Defense has the right to change the membership plan and charge the appropriate tuition.
+ Make Up classes are not available for National Holidays or School Holidays/Closings.
+ Classes missed due to the student/parent means are not available for make up.
+ If classes are missed by the Instructor due to other causes a make up class will be scheduled or class will be made up by adding additional time to each normally scheduled class time.
+ Tuition is due and will automatically draft on the 1st.
+ There will be a $25 fee for returned payment for insufficient funds, account decline, or changes in account information
+ Additional Late Fees may be assessed for late payments at $5 per week
+ All payment information must be provided during registration through debit or credit card or ACH - Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are all accepted forms of payment.
+ All students or parents/guardians must have a form of payment on file.
+ All transactions are handled over SSL and are PCI-Compliant. We do not store Your credit card or account details.
+ The Instructor will provide Belt Tests when the student is deemed ready.
+ Belt Tests start at $5 for the first belt and will increase by $5 per belt rank.
+ Belt Tests will be scheduled in advance by the Instructor.
+ Full Uniform and current rank belt MUST be worn in order to test.
+ I hereby authorize Lone Star Self Defense to automatically charge my debit card or credit card or checking account for services rendered through enrollment in their program; this can include testing fees, merchandise purchased, late or administrative fees, and tuition.
+ This authorization is valid until I provide written notification directly to Lone Star Self Defense fourteen (14) days prior to the draft date to cancel. Tuition drafts on the 1st of every month.
+ I have read and understand this agreement and agree to its provisions. I am not under the influence of any drugs, alcohol, or other intoxicants. I am not suffering from any illness or incapacity. I am over 18 years of age. (If not over 18 years of age, parent or guardian must sign.)